LRU caching

class MyNode {
  key: number;
  value: number;
  prev: MyNode | null;
  next: MyNode | null;

  constructor(key: number, value: number) {
    this.key = key;
    this.value = value;
    this.prev = null; = null;

class LRUCache {
  private capacity: number;
  private cache: Map<number, MyNode>;
  private head: MyNode; // Dummy head (most recently used)
  private tail: MyNode; // Dummy tail (least recently used)

  constructor(capacity: number) {
    this.capacity = capacity;
    this.cache = new Map();
    this.head = new MyNode(0, 0); // Dummy head
    this.tail = new MyNode(0, 0); // Dummy tail = this.tail;
    this.tail.prev = this.head;

  // Helper function to remove a node from the linked list
  private remove(node: MyNode): void {
    const prev = node.prev!;
    const next =!; = next;
    next.prev = prev;

  // Helper function to insert a node at the head (most recently used)
  private insert(node: MyNode): void {
    const next =!; // old MRU = node; // new MRU
    node.prev = this.head; = next;
    next.prev = node;

  // Get the value for a key
  get(key: number): number {
    if (this.cache.has(key)) {
      const node = this.cache.get(key)!;
      this.remove(node); // Remove from current position
      this.insert(node); // Move to head (most recently used)
      return node.value;
    return -1; // Key not found

  // Add or update a key-value pair
  put(key: number, value: number): void {
    if (this.cache.has(key)) {
      // If key exists, update its value and move it to the head
      const node = this.cache.get(key)!;
      node.value = value;
    } else {
      // If key doesn't exist, create a new node
      const newNode = new MyNode(key, value);
      this.cache.set(key, newNode);

      // If cache exceeds capacity, remove the least recently used node
      if (this.cache.size > this.capacity) {
        const lruNode = this.tail.prev!; // MyNode before the dummy tail
        this.remove(lruNode); // Remove from the list
        this.cache.delete(lruNode.key); // Remove from the cache

// Example usage:
const lruCache = new LRUCache(2);
lruCache.put(1, 1); // Cache is {1=1}
lruCache.put(2, 2); // Cache is {1=1, 2=2}
console.log(lruCache.get(1)); // Returns 1 (Cache is {2=2, 1=1})
lruCache.put(3, 3); // Evicts key 2, Cache is {1=1, 3=3}
console.log(lruCache.get(2)); // Returns -1 (not found)
lruCache.put(4, 4); // Evicts key 1, Cache is {3=3, 4=4}
console.log(lruCache.get(1)); // Returns -1 (not found)
console.log(lruCache.get(3)); // Returns 3 (Cache is {4=4, 3=3})
console.log(lruCache.get(4)); // Returns 4 (Cache is {3=3, 4=4})

Why use dummy nodes head and tail?

  • Use dummy node this.head and this.tail to reducee edge case when head or tail is null.
  • Can easily retrieve MRU by and LRU by this.tail.prev

Mental model when moving around nodes in doubly linked list

private remove(node: MyNode): void {
  const prev = node.prev!;
  const next =!; = next;
  next.prev = prev;
  1. Connect the prev and next of the target node
  2. while the target node still linking its prev and next
  3. Detach the target node from its prev and next

haochen xu